CONTEST PIMD April Fool's Prank-Off

Discussion in 'Contests' started by ATAMarceline, Mar 31, 2017.

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  1. Prank to Alexa:

    1. Sneak into her room.
    2. Get a blade.
    3. Shave her eyebrows.
    4. Draw fake brows using a browliner.

    When Alexa wakes up and washes her face, she'll be in total terror bcs her brows were washed out.
  2. 1. Buy cyanide from Quinn (he looks like he can supply me with some)

    2. Put it in JD's beer bottle when he's not looking

    3. When he drinks it and starts choking I'll say lol it's just a prank bro  also, jobs are useless 

    4. When his lifeless body is lying on the floor, I'd take his wallet out of his pocket and take the money 

    5. Post to YouTube with the title How to Farm Properly, jobs are useless

    Prank money it's a win win I don't see how you can't pick me PIMD
  3. Put JD's stuff in jello
  4. I choose marco:

    I will make him an amazing hamburger .
    I will make it with fries .
    I will put ketchup on the side .
    Mixed with some red paint ?

    p.s. this actually happened to me
  5. A cheerleader is laying in bed waiting on her man, he comes out in a bear out fit.
  6. I'd send a PIMDcrate to the last 5 posters on Mark's wall. But these crates can't be opened or traded.
  7. I legit think KylieJenners post was the best and funniest! I'm totally unbiased
  8. I love the idea of airhorn pranks because its so loud and sudden. So like, anytime Quinn or Tess opened a door and it went to go press against the door block circle thingy, the airhorn would be tapped to it and the handle would slam against the airhorn and create quite the entrance.
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