PIMD and the Future

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by pimd_admin, Oct 9, 2014.

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  1. The plus sign didnt show up ?
  2. You should know that the plus sign doesn't work lol. But still, love button me <4
  3. Big freaking dating app that's all you guys are making it.
  4. someone said "PIMD is growing??? LOL ATA will face DEPRESSION :-D
  5. Will this thread be still here when the new feature goes live? And the previous thread about this too?

    I wanna see who among those who vehemently objected to this will actually use the new feature when it's finally there
  6. There will be so many emo clubs from relationship break ups 
  7. I'll use it for the bonus of course 

    I just don't like what it's for/called
  8. I'm excited! Looking forward to what's to come.
  9. So will there be a scandalous section and catfish red alert for this relationship Issh 
  10. Will PIMD add a sex offenders database with the relationship update?
  11. ? if pimd growing then fix the dam block and unfollow all ready
  12. Get off of pimd's dick already.
    They're trying to make PIMD compatible with iOS8 and fix the bugs that come with it.
    So suck a thumb and be quiet.
  13. Seriously, though, if you want to know the "relationship" status of another player then grow a pair and _A S K_.

    If you want players to know that you're "married" then post it on your wall.

    Creating a "system" of "relationships" for this game…
    *shake my head in disgust*
  14. Omg there Actually doing the realtionship button!?!?
  15. Keep shaking that head bruh
  16. Don't be so fast to judge guys aha, it may be completely different to what we're all thinking. So wait and see what it is, before judging it.
    I personally hope that it's not what everyone thinks it is, but we will have to wait until the updates are ready.
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