lol wait and judge? there is already big speculation going on about what it is. The relationship bonus on your profile is one. Meaning couples will automatically have an edge over ppl who refuse to enter a relationship on here. Like how cat cafe makes it where u have to run that party to keep up with stats/tuts. It is now being made where u have to be in a relationship to keep up with the ones in one.
I think if they called it something different, like roommate,i would have less resistance to the concept. The whole relationship thing is creepy. There are kids on this game, even if tos says there shouldn't be, and it's creepy that they can be in "relationships" with fully grown adults.
Its my right to judge something we can only speculate about.. it sems nobody else understands my problem with the relationship button in a game that was designed for war but rebuilt for parties. it doesnt matter, Ive been looking for a different game that is similar to pimd but isnt kaw.who am i kidding, im too addicted to this to move on
Haven't y'all realized that pimd or whoever plan nd update this game don't give a rat ass about us the players all they care about is us spending money on cats nd bikinis they're mostly catering to the new young kids that are about to join this game
'there is already big speculation' Speculation Nothing more. You don't know how it works yet. Just chill for a few more weeks. And might I remind you of another one of my quotes.. Spit while you're at it make me a sandwich too.
Tweak son If you play because you like talking to the people you've met, then this shouldn't affect you at all. But if you're a party fairy collecting every tiara and dress that comes along, then go KERPS LERK mode and keep raging bruh
Make the relationship button into a 'Bounty' button yo lyke if i want bow farmed i can post a bounty of like 1m on him and like yeah.