PIMD and the Future

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by pimd_admin, Oct 9, 2014.

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  1. Tru that haha  tbh I don't think we even disagreed on anything, maybe I was just vague on who my arguments we addressed at. Sorry 
  2. I dont know either  I just naturally get argumentative. I'm not completely sure what we were arguing about.
  3. Rina told me in pm she's my future pimd wifey?
  4.  me neither. I just find people who complain and hate ATA before the actual feature is even released incredibly annoying. That said, who tf knows? It may suck, it may not. We still deserve a final opinion on this, thus your idea.
  5.  I will admit I complained like an ass when it was brought out cause the idea is ridiculous  but I'd rather have it for a week then vote. At least then no one can say we didn't try it first. Ya know, the whole mummy saying 'how do you know you don't like it until you try it'. My guess is it'll be a way for ata to make money though. That's why they do everything else.

    Kickass, do i know you?
  6. No look: remove kik from kickass and you get cass which is my name which means im better

    Also yessss finally someone gets it  Also, it may suck, but I'm honestly curious to see what'd happen. Guess we'll have to wait until it is out 
  7.  high five for that cas thing, that was good. I feel like it needs a snap crackle pop
  8. *snaps ny fingers in a z formation*
    *hip rotation*
    *booty sensation*
  9. *my. Wth, grammar 
  10.  my thought exactly (the attitude thing not the grammar)
  11. cas u broke my heart stole my bae and run away
  12.  i am such a fail sigh
  13. yo bruh rina ain't yours go away 
  14. All these people fake claim me ? it's getting annoying
  15. *exaggerated gasp* rina how could you I thought we had a special something i picked out the rings already 
  16. I hope they're candy rings 
  17.  no candy for you you evil heartbreaker 
  18.  but but I like candy..
  19. but but you don't like ME and it's MY candy so no you are mean and evil and I'll eat all the candy alllll by myself. Hah. (*12-year-old noises*)
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