ANd it's only a handful. you know as well as i do that hypnocat is extremly rare unlesss your trying pro, and we all know, half them clubs don't want to spend all that money so they still partying. some leave without warning. some leave with other reasons but the majority that do complin are actually the cheapest ones. i'm only saying a HANDFUL because some do pay to play and that i do agree that i've spent this much money and you go and do this with that money, but the others just complain to complain. don't even harm them and they complain. and even for those who do pay money, they don't know what that button might do. everyonee going around trying lop ata's head off without even trying to understand the entire concept of this button.
We may still play, but OFH is still striking. So just because we're still playing doesn't mean we aren't doing anything about it. And guess what? We don't ALWAYS complain about everything. I send positive feedback and thank you's also. We also make reasonable suggestions. I'm a "party fairy" but I still support more frequent wars, and I posted on another thread that I think the gold names should affect pvp actions as well. I'm also happy with all parties other than cat and kini parties dropping cats and kinis so we aren't all just doing fake art and noodle pro over and over. It's not impossible to make the older players happy no matter how many of you like to say all we do is complain. The facts are that there are features people have been asking for, for a very long time, that are continuously ignored, and now they have added in a feature, that they explained in a previous thread as something they were thinking about, that MOST said they didn't want. And we have every right to be upset about it and voice our opinions. If you think us not liking a new feature on the game means we should leave, then if you don't like reading our complaints you should take your own advice and leave.
Lol the part i always find funny is one someone is like "Blah im done spending money here, im spending money on that one app blah blah" Dunno makes me giggle like a wretched bitch spreading rumors broski
why do u think that im spefically tagerting you? that comment was more affecting u than ofh. ofh knows what im talking about. THe simple fact is why complain if u have yet to see what it does...and yes your own strike which is why i said the players that DO PLAY to pay is understandable but even that is not a reason to go sit there and complain about a feature that nobody knows what it do except make and break relationships, and who are you people to tell other people they can't have a relationship button. maybe mulva and steven wants one to signify that bond, or mr. and mrs. gemini. who knows. just cuz everyone single don't make it right to go strike against the couples that don't. ANd it's not even that big of a deal. what do that relationship button affect you and your couples come hold hands while you facepalm? or do they tell u that "sjdbdfuek and lakdn;oe are married while you peacesign"...i see no your voice out opinions are irrelevant and they basically are there to just simply what? complain..
I didn't think you were targeting me, you aren't the only one saying these things. And I personally have said I don't give a damn about the relationship button being added, what I care about is it being made a priority over things that MORE people want and have been asking for, for longer. And obviously our complaining DOES work because eventually they created a new war system, they now have cats and kinis dropping from all parties, and they temporarily increased pvp actions during player appreciation week. So we will keep complaining, it may take them a LONG time to listen but if we complain enough it does work.
soooo your bringing your complaints about other things to a complaint thread with a relationship where in the world did that went. u said yourself that you have no complaints about this so why..did...comment...bow NO give u a gif to laugh at myself for making biographys, many graphic grammar errors lmao. my english is disgusting lmao. someone throw a dictionary at me :lol:
My complaint is that they spent their resources developing this before they fixed features we desperately need. That's completely appropriate for this thread.
My "big iOS update" should have included the ability to see actives in parties, as well as the ability to mass gift. Even ONE of the two would have been nice. Instead, we got a relationship button.
Ok, can the people supporting this tell me the principle of having a pimd relationship ? Find someone gentle and tell them to be your boyfriend/girlfriend makes no sense to me.. Then call it mutual chatting love.. Seriously ?
:lol: i cracked so hard at this. IOS update lmao. ok. that is completely fine with that comment. i agree but hey maybe with this relationship button comes pvp x2 since they said they have share stats and about that mass gifting....yeah maybe you should switch to a robot..don't be a forbidden fruit lol
i didn't say i support it but its as well no big deal to the entire community. if everyone wants to do what they do in the virtual world as long as they not dragging you into it, it's fine. they can be vampire, clouds, krispy kreme donuts etc. maybe to them, it's triggers a special feeling that helps them throughout their day, who knows but it's not affecting anything in parties or war. it's simply...just a button. until u can tell me that whoever is in a relationship is forcing you to rp then your non supporting is irrelevent
NOOOO! lmao. im so angry u just said paperweights. no u did not go there!!!!! lol thsi lady just said android is being made into paperweights lmao
Lol well that's what happened with mine. I agree though, I'll be in a "relationship" with a friend to get whatever the benefits are, I may roll my eyes at it but it doesn't kill the game for me. But they really do need to fix the features people have been asking for.