PIMD and the Future

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by pimd_admin, Oct 9, 2014.

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  1. Right it's big.


    FUCKING ATA. I bet the developers are fucking recruiting Roleplaying bastards to help em.

    Make the game better now worse. Idiots.
  2. As a suggestion let's wait for official thred explain the feature then if u don't like it simply don't spend a penny and find a different game seems ata really don't give two fuck as to what any of us think anyways
  3. Ata was once a war game, then a party game now it will be a dating game! Epic
  4. ? honestly I hate how certain people are like "Ermergerd, this is so stupid... they aren't listening to us, ?let's start a riot blah blah kms blah." Like dude there are more people than just you and your small group of friends plus it's their game to alter. Just adapt to said changes and stop crying about it. I mean I necer asked for a relationship button either but so many people insult people who date on here saying in world chat "This isn't a dating site" so guess what now it is. Maybe if y'all wouldn't of insulted people on that for so long they wouldn't of requested it. Suck it up.

    Keep doing your job pimd.
    #Support #Support #Support #Support
  5. Never*? always a typo ? oops!?
  6. To be honest, I feel that many people are over-reacting. I mean, you don't even know what the feature is going to be yet, and you can't yet know if and how it might change the game. You don't KNOW that it's going to encourage RP, and even if it does, it's only fair for that group of players because guess what? PIMD releases features targeted at players who party and war too. It seems like a lot of people are jumping to conclusions and hating on it mindlessly before the feature is even released. Also, a question, if I may - if it seems all that horrible to you, why not just… not use it? Or not update at all? It's not like it's particularly invasive, either.
  7. Everyone
    Is writing the same essay
    And over

    Pimd lock this already
  8. Well I gave up reading after all of the whiners and complainers so yupp guess so.
  9. Well the game is getting lamer...... some damn game full of perves enough already this isn't a date site it was for fun playing a GAME..... if u need a damn date that bad get the hell of the game and go find someone. Perves not every girl wants to see your junk. So go show ur shit to a real life girl. I bet most girls flirting on here are cheating on thier husbands, boyfriends, etc I bet the guys are doing the same.... smh u people are freaking sick. This GAME was for warring and partying for fake cash to grow your fake dorm and battle on your hitlist. Not flirt and kiss strangers virtually..... ata you are going to far with this stupid relationship button. I'm happy in my marriage. I don't play this game for kicks or dates..... I play the game to chat with friends and collect items. How a GAME should be. Smh ruining the Game for your customers that don't role play. It's BullCrap
  10. Oh I'm exited to see what this new feature is 
  11. ^ some1 excited :shock:
  12. So....they did decide to go ahead and just announce an 'awesome/exciting' new feature without explaining anything after everyone said it sucked. Seriously, do you actually have apes running this company? Maybe you should have, I'm sure they could learn faster 
  13. Hush casper.
    Just wait and see baby gurl
  14.  I want it to come at soon so then I can judge it quicker.
  15. Applause Casper u tell them. Apes probably could do it better
  16. Well gamer girl, they couldn't make much more of a mess could they 

    Bow, baby gurl me all you want. I'm a man
  17. I always thought you were a girl Casper.
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