Pig Mood

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by ATAMarceline, Jan 30, 2019.

  1. Shane Dawson would be shook!
  2. Male Avis still usually don’t go well despite ata making a whole attempt to change it
  3. Eh... Never been a big fan of the Chinese New year hunts.
  4. they really took avis and furniture out of the timer boxes ?? k
  5. extremely stupid n idiot person in whole world n mind ur own effin business dont get in my way kameeni
  6. Another extremely stupid and idiotic comment.
  7. Awesome 
  8. Omg the amount of people saying about the monstrosity that is Peppa pig, when Waddles is the best one... Ignorant fools!!!
  9. How are these items helpful?
  10. They’re not helpful at all just save yourself the trouble and gimme thx
  12. Waiting 24 hours for a 10kcs item is lame, ATA ?
  13. Yeah let’s revolt and send them all to me, that’ll show ata!
  14. Agreed, these timer boxes turned out to be worse the last event. I enjoyed last hunt timer boxes better.
  16. I’m selling the piglet(3) for (9 bentos) WALL ME IF DEAL

    Kinda like it its cute hehe
  17. Imagine complaining about free stuff that you don't even have to open, I could never.