pictures :)

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *k3ll3y (01), Jul 11, 2011.

  1. U where in my way 
  2. *throws ice cream at both of u*
  3. *steps inside the room running after a squirrel*
  4. *Slipps and faceplate into pie*
  5. *whacks with hockey stick* LEAVE ME ALONE!
  6. *Throws water at all of you*
  7. *Pulls out a rocket launcher and shoots it*
  8. Holy Coω!! A squirrel!!! 
  9. It's dead now Sadie :(
  10. *throws pillows* go away!!! Leave me alone!!!!
  11. *runs in a corner and crys* 
  12. *everyone wakes up in a huge freezer*
  13. I love how she Hits me with a pillow and smacks you with a hockey stick
  14. I could use my pole if you'd likec
  15. Wait a minute. I have the power to make that squirrel come alive *gives it a flower potion and it jumps into my arms* I saved it!! 
  16. *Pole appears out of no where*