pictures :)

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *k3ll3y (01), Jul 11, 2011.

  1. So what if accidentally kick four year olds that I don't see? 
  2. I agree jungle gyms are the chiz
  3. oi why do all u guys have to be hot
  4. What's a chiz? 
  5. Foxy. I'm not hot.
  6. I didn't think people would think I was hot...honestly.
  7. I don't think that people would think I am :lol:
  8. I'm scalding under this sun 
  9. That's where I go when I break curfew
  10. Maybe we can meet up and get some of those spongebob themed Popsicles!
  11. Well I do...I avoid the abandoned house where crackheads go
  12. Bahaha I've been having convos with some of you guys and now I feel like pedobear 