picture thread:)

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *k3ll3y (01), Sep 7, 2011.

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  1. That's not nice
  2. You have 2 be magical [color]
  3. No put a / before color on the last one
  4. ..haha gay? bro love man.
  5. Lol just checking 
  6. GAY LOVE WHERE?!?!?
  7. whats wrong with being gay? My friend is gay.
  8. I have a gay friend too I love talking to him bout guys! 
  10. .being gay is a sin. don't ask, don't tell.
  11. Is that a problem with anyone
  12. Whoa religion fight coming  "hides"
  13. Tiff you've posted 3 different fake pictures. I don't think anyone cares what you are
  14. Lmfao stacks  there is wisdom in his words tho 
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