picture thread:)

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *k3ll3y (01), Sep 7, 2011.

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  1. I think they do 
  2. That wasnt a BB code fail. You used HTML which doesnt work on forums

  3. Anybody know where mat is?!
  4. I wonder why 
  5. HTML = <>
    BBCode = [ ]

    Am I correct? 
  6.  ohhhhh  Thanks 

    That's pretty Kari 

    And I'm sure they don't Neph 
  7. I am under the bed khloe 
  8. Aww dang it, I gotta find some harder questions 
  9. Drac is back. That rhymes.
  10. Kari!  u remember me? Lol
  11. DRACCY! 

    Where'd macca go? 
  12. Alucard is a nice name.
  13. Mat...

  14. I'm Here
  15. Niki!! 

    Well i remember u kari  so u better remember me...
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