picture thread:)

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *k3ll3y (01), Sep 7, 2011.

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  1. Omg adam i didnt know i had a new stalker on here oh wait whats his name adam.
  2. Yea I agrees with kylee!! 
  3. kylee is an ugly little 12 year old girl who is a *****
  4. How do yu frkn post pics on this!?!?!?!? HELP!!!! 
  5. Im good Neph  wbu?
  6. Neph agree with what?
  7. I'm not a stalker it's called I was gunna post on ur wall cause we were "besties" oh and by the way this wasnt today and second you pay 
  8. Please upgrade I need a good paying farm 
  9. Bleh I'm fine I guess lol. So how's life workin out for ya?

    I agrees that Nicole should post her pic. I already post mine so you guys probably saw it so I won't post it again
  10. [​IMG]

    That's my favorite one 
  11. Sammy
    -Go to AppStore and download Photobucket
    -Make an account or log in
    -Then upload your picture
    -Go to the circle i icon
    -Then copy the [​IMG]
  12. To post a picture, download photobucket. Upload your photo. Go to your photo, and tap the cursive i in the white circle in the bottom right hand corner of the screen. Tap the IMG code and paste it here.
  13. Wow you look so different, but pretty 
  14. Fine drace ill post a new one
  15. Back in like 1491? Around there no clue.. I am the weird looking Asian lol
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