picture thread:)

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *k3ll3y (01), Sep 7, 2011.

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  1. Yeah... I am really behind on this game since I haven't been on forum for the past 6months
  2. Nicole is mine drac
  3. I am Az. 

    And your name does sounds familiar...
  4. Bleh idk who Nicole belongs to 
  5. Really? Look at her status 
  6. Well I gtg  bye guys
  7. Bye Jessica 
  8. Yes, you, Neph.

    Bye Jessica! 
  9. Well, I was quite active back then on forum but then PIMD have to lag so bad so I quitted. But now I am back  You guys probably won't know me at all lol except maybe Azarah
  10. That dont prove anything
  11. I didn't try to prove anything.. All I said was " I was active on forum" ...........
  12. Lol it proves everything 
  13. Ohh...... Sorry 
  14. Its fine and NO IT DOESNT DRAC HOW BOUT WE SHARE HER EHH? then i got 2 girls khloe and nicole
  15. Lucky peeps... So many new peeps on forum that I don't know anyone at all lol
  16. Im not new i have been playing since last year about february 20 or something like that
  17. Ive never seen you...
  18. Lol u got enough gurls to play with nicole is mine 
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