picture thread:)

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *k3ll3y (01), Sep 7, 2011.

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  1. I've eaten crushed ice B4 with flavoring on it, it's good 
  2. SLUSHEEEE(i?) yum. Regular ice is good though. Put it down people shirts
  3. Not crushed more like scraped
  4. Lol my Grampa used to do that and you would see us dance around to try and take the ice out
  5. Lol And did it take long? I did it to my grandpa once and it went down his pants...
  6. Hahaha!  It usually took a little bit he used big ice :/
  7. 

    Oh you poor people
  8. Yeah lol I miss him tho
  9. Oh...I'm sorry for your loss... And I vet he'd be glad that you think of him.
  10. *bet. My bad...
  11. Ohh he's not dead god forbid
  12. He's just back in my country
  13. 

    Where is that?
  14. IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d18/Crady23/5011ba8d.jpg[/IMG]
  15. shh accident.

  16. Is that u ??  i jk
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