picture thread:)

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *k3ll3y (01), Sep 7, 2011.

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  1. Chloe!!!!!!! (or whatever ur name is) LOOK AT MY POST (not this one the other one I said)!!! 
  2. I can tell why you struggle to make friends at school. No jokes.

    But I do have glasses. :3

    Fakey fakey choo choo!

    And lmao, I WIN!
  4. Chloe wins!!
  5. I have friends in RL in higher grades. All thesw mofos in my class like to talk about food and drugs and sex like you, too desperate to even find common sense.
  6. lmao but she got broke hair
  7. Chloe u look like a girl i know shainah
  8. Lol Chloe ftw 
  9. You have just proven my point even more. Damn you're a dislikable little kiddy!
  10.  she's pretty (ur pretty too) I'm ugly

  11. You're just jealous because I own pussies like you.
  12. Alright children enough bickering 
  13. Carly post a pic 
  14. Carly, everyone is unique and pretty! In their own beautiful way. 

    Chicken, still trying to walk with that stick cane in yor hands eh? Good luck roding the fail train!
  15. Chloe are you and your squirrel cheeks bothering more people again? No children allowed, please go play with your dolls like you were instructed to do by king Wayne
  16. You own what exactly? I'm in no way jealous of anything haha, I love my life at the moment in all honesty! Woo
  17. Hahaha, love you abyss :L
  18. Get photobucket upload it in there and then copy the image code then paste it here i think 
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