Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by smileyface4eva, Oct 3, 2011.

  1. It's not our fault, stop being sad and stand up for yourself, make a life, not a lie 
  2. CPS would care. Your teachers would care, if not, the cops do.

    Fuck me? Really? Ha.  Shut up. Like I said earlier, wearing your problems like your skinny jeans.
  3. Don't you lobe when people you don't know follow your orders? 
  4. Kayy. I'm 11 and you are acting very immature about this.
  5. WTF what happenex Iexxx di u really do that i was busy arguing elsewhere and u try to make a 10 yr old kill her self
  6. I didn't try. I don't want anyone dying, if you'd check I'm trying to make someone turn away from gloomy ways.
  7. Jim, look back, and you'll see , she asked for it
  8. The way u replied didn't help i mean honestly saying "1.Not my problem" doesn't help any one that just sounds like ur trying to be an _**
  9. Were giving her a life lesson, get over it
  10. It isn't our problem. I'm not accepting others shit because I have a bag full of mine to take care of.
  11. Then ignore it! i hope she is okay i hate hearing/seeing people go through that stuff
  12. I haven't been beaten but I've been bullied and depressed. I got over it. Therefore, I expect others to do the same.
  13. But some people have a harder time then others doing that maybe next time u should think of that not every one can over come the same stuff
  14. Yes they can. 
  15.  I know some one who could beg to differ...
  16. He can beg all he wants, I will win. If it's you then get over it. That's the answer.
  17. It's not me and I'm wrong I should have said knew