Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by smileyface4eva, Oct 3, 2011.

  1. Pedos want pics? Well im posting a pic cuz i can...

    Here you go, pedos
  2. Ur so pretty!!!
  3. Or the handsome man about to put a nail into the woman representing Netflix?
  4. Pumpkin.... Ur the pretty one!! Not serial's weird netflix thingy or wateva
  5. xD lol thank you. Srry im a little off cuz im sad :/
  6. aww why are you sad
  7. I'd rather not say on forums, I'll follow you.
  8. Because the color function of the camera broke. And because this is a damn repeat. 
  9. [​IMG]

    So true i fail wayy too much...
  10. Actually its edited, no need to spazz 
  11. Lmfao, want more pics of me? XD