picture thread 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -KING-e-MISERYS-CHAOS-, Dec 30, 2013.

  1. Ciara not everyone knows we're back together yet
  2. Aww thanks ahli 100b dv Cholo
  3. ?i said 5B
  4. gosh dangit followed all steps and resize didn't work
  5. U said 100b I have ss?
  6. ?show it
  7. TJ so pretty
  8.  thanks Nickiee  so are u
  9. ? tj my beautiful sissy 
  10. ?I love it ciara
  11. Thanks guys 
  12. My face is huge ?
  13. Makeup and filter free, because **** the system 

  14. Ahli ur sexy
  15.  TJ! I'll post another one when I'm dolled up for New Years ?