Pic/Chat Thread 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by LordVampDracula, Feb 21, 2012.

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  1. Leo, stop hacking the images coordinates and stuff. 
  2.  LEO 

    :evil: Mwahahha. Anyways you'll get your picture tomorrow ;3
  3. Yay! I can't wait 
  4. [​IMG]

    My Ideas for the Lottery xD

    No! I did Not hack anything!
  5. Lol so you edited the images 
  6. Yeah I put the money logo on the thing on the " jobs"
  7. Jailbroke iPod? Lol
  8. Kari is a ginger 

  9. Gingers are all going to dissapear from the face of the world soon
  10.  Why will gingers disappear? 
  11. Cause Black, is the most dominant 2nd is brown 3rd is Blonde and Last is Ginger ... If you marry a Dark hair dude you won't have Ginger kids

    But if you had a Ginger husband You would 
  12.  Then I'll marry a blonde 

    But you never know..My parents both have black hair and I came out a ginger. My dads mustache is red, but that's just it 
  13. Redhead genes are hidden. Like "Shhhhhhhhhhhhh I'll pop up lateh in yoseph gene therr pool... Lurkeh mode!"

    Ish sleepy. Nitesy nites.
  14.  Well Nighty Night Azarah  Don't let the boogieman get ya.
  15. I'm blonde


    Night Azarah
  16. WTH?  I thought you had black hair Leo
  17. I'm blonde 

    Opposite of black hair

    Where did you get black hair from? 
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