Pic/Chat Thread 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by LordVampDracula, Feb 21, 2012.

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  1. I'm hungry.
  2. Eat food.
  3. Well geez, I'm sure that narrows it down a bit
  4. Eat blockey too!
  5. Don't eat Exxy. He doesn't taste very good, trust me.
  6. Or does he? 
  7. Don't eat blocks, eat glass.
  8. But blocks taste better
  9. I will eat Azarah. 
  10. But I bite back. Hard. 
  11. I'll bite you and run away! 
  12. I tackle hard too. 
  13. I'm ready! Come at me bruh
  14. I'm Asian... So that's not racist right? Lol

  15. I'm good for now. I'll keep you in mind for later, though.
  16. Lol that post before was for another thread

    Anyway,  I'm ready whenever you are
  17. 

    Nooooooooooo I don't need to bite you now! 
  18. I thought we are tackling 
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