Pic/Chat Thread 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by LordVampDracula, Feb 21, 2012.

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  1. Lol kk  think it wears off in 2 hrs or so lol not sure
  2. Y 
  3. I'll be Sleep
  4. Darn  lol diff timezones suck 
  5. Okay Vampy!!


  6. Lmao 
  7. I'm gunna Pm you
  8. Lol alright 
  9. .... ....

  10. Lol khloe 
  11. Yay
  12.  Hi, Do we know eachother 
  13. Nope just a stranger saying hi lol
  14. Anyone like the color purple?  cause i am loving it 
  15. 
  16. Guess no one agrees  me n khloe can be the only ones that like  purple  its just so amazing 
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