Pic/Chat Thread 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by LordVampDracula, Feb 21, 2012.

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  1. I just posted a thread. Dont hate
  2. .... I'm not.....
  3. No hate! Why?
  4. Cuz I just.. Not
  5. Bcuz. Its a besties thread. And people are hatin on me bcuz i have like 7 Claudia threads
  6. Hmmm but I'm not... 
  7. No no no I mean why would people hate? It's a single thread for many people. No hate.
  8. Trust me..Haters Gonna Hate
  9. Well it's kind of annoying ... But I don't hate it.. 
  10. What annoying..? The thread? How?
  11. Not your thread
  12. I mean the thread about you, like everyday. I see a different one.
  13. Well im sorry. Im just saying if it was someone elses thread and they were like 7 of them...I rlly wouldnt care. It wouldnt offend me. My threads are somehow offended ppl. I guess its the way it is
  14. Juz saw the woman in black trailer.. Looks freaky..
  15. Act of valor is a kick ass movie
  16. Woman in Black is more f a horror movie
  17. Neph new pic 385
  18. Still haven't been unsilenced. It's been over 24 hours
  19. Hey Josie, make 1 dedicated to me  If you want to lol..... Lol I haven't been on that long?.. It been 20 pages
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