I really hate being ignored. Ya know? People think it's a punishment. But it all depends on the way you were brought up. It's not a punishment for me. More like...a statement of hatred. Nice to know that I provoke such feeling on a game. That, and it pisses me off.
Yup. Pero alas, for he doesnt careth. I'd say I've been jilted but I'm not a future bride at the moment.
He unfollowed me. Not only did he unfollow me, he blocked me. I don't see what the hell the problem is. Am I supposed to apologize for shit I dont even know I did? Am I supposed to fix myself to be the way you want me to be? I'm tired of being railroaded into doing dumbass shit. I've said I don't like being told what to do, you've seen it, and I don't. So the ploy or whatever the fuck this is is just...too much. Besides that, a river and a tree don't make a triangle, and, either way, the ship is gonna maul that tree. Shit happens. That being said, I quit my math homework. Nitey nite, all!