Pic/Chat Thread 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by LordVampDracula, Feb 21, 2012.

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  1. Why do you want to marry me?
  2. Cause arazah you are awesome
  3. Wrong account 
  4. Cuz your awesome! 
  5. shock! I truthfully didn't know you had an alt...._.
  6. I have 3 active forum accounts 
  7. Mmmmmm...Leo?
  8. ._. I have 1...
  9. Lol probably leothecool and alt is ieothecool with capital i
  10. I know leothecool CAN'T possibly be this guy either. 
  11. Leo. No wedding then.
  12. ._. But I had a picture ready and EVERYTHING.
  13. GET A TUEX! Did I spell that right?
  14. ._. Do you mean a tux?
  15. I'll get the chicken and stuff it in a small tuex
  16. .-. Soooo does that mean yes?
  17. Wait who is getting married? 
  18. Yes! There is a wedding.
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