Separate names with a comma.
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by LordVampDracula, Feb 21, 2012.
We can be old together niki lol
Pfft. I'm young. The year difference makes all the difference.
Lolol then i get to say!!! Kids these days ._.
Crap. I'm old. I hate that expression when I'm the one being referred to.
I know im a minor lol
Lolol i love saying that say it to friends that are my age lol funny stuff
I like going old style speak every now and again. Methinks it's delightful!
Lol i like speaking spanish with my mexican buddy eduardo lol
Ummm the "Jajajaja" didn't make it inside the exclamation points... Somehow...
Lolol j makes a h sound in spanish so technically its still hahahaha lol
The Spanish version is spelled with a 'j'
these are facts Im goin to bed now later peeps
Nitey nite, Tino!
Know who is cool?
Me? You? All of us?
Not you!(leo)