Pic/Chat Thread 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by LordVampDracula, Feb 21, 2012.

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  1. So do I 

  2. NO WAY!!!! Twin
  3. Hmmm... The left one is bigger.
  4. Lol

    but Nicole, Peeps gonna be like, How r u guys twins..."Oh we both got two boobs" 
  5. Lol   yes!! 
  6. Lmaoooo
  7. Let's make it triplets! 

  8. Twinning! 

    What that mean?  *confuzzled*
  9. LMAOO



    Chickens What am i talkig bout
  10. Chickens? 
  11. Gobble gobble
  12. Gotttaaa Goooo!!! Byeee
  13. That, my friend, is a turkey 
  14. Noooooo! 
  15. Byee Twinnyy

    And Ex
  16. Bye Twin 
  17. Bye Claudia!
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