Pic/Chat Thread 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by LordVampDracula, Feb 21, 2012.

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  1. I'm 17 
    R u seriously 32?
  2. Yes I am 
  3. Yea she's 32  what's wrong with that 
  4. Yes I am 

  5. 32 ? Pshhh youre just a kid 
  6. How'd you spell


    A Question that Haunts me
  7. Pickles 
  8. A young kid 
  9. Just cus I never thought she would be 32. 
  10. Claudia should post her pic she's smexie 
  11. Claudia meant 5 
  12. 5?? What? And i got basketball prac Bbl Byee. 
  13. Catch ya later ... Alligator 
  14. No. Just no
  15. Damn thats a frog •_•
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