[Petition]Editable walls

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Kefo, Dec 29, 2017.

  1. shut up honestly
  2. No 
  3. DUDE. Yes.

    I wanna find Bosen's post on my wall from when I was farming his/her tutor and the #1 VIP at the time (me being like 50kcs) walled me. I will forever keep that wall post but it's buried behind 6 years worth of wall posts.
    you gotta be careful with what you say on peoples' walls 
  5. Support. :)
  6. Interesting idea, the ability to pin wall posts to the top of the wall would also be nice.
  7. Oh lord the strip farm war cries I can hear them now
  8. Bumping to sit alongside Wolf's post ?
  9. I read through the whole post thinking it was recent and then was shocked when I saw Wyatt's IGN and was like "oh Wyatt's back?" and then realized the dates. Oof.

    Age aside, I lend my support.
  10. When you hungry and missread the title as edible walls :lol:
  11. Not even kidding swore it said edibles ??‍♀️
  12. I read it as edible as well.

    But actually support.
  13. It definitely said “edible walls” But support for real
  14. Support (also same with the “edible walls” thing)
  15. I mean that might fix world hunger