[Petition]Editable walls

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Kefo, Dec 29, 2017.

  1. I've mentioned this before in forums but nobody remarked on it. I'd be curious to know what your perspectives are on it.

    So, a few weeks ago I started clearing 2 years worth of wall posts from my wall.
    Partially because I wanted a clean wall, but also to see some old ones which I remembered, resurface quick links, jokes, signs of friendship, etc.

    I realized that some wall posts were meaningful to me, and I was somewhat worried that some posts may not show up, perhaps ones over a year old, or 1000 posts back were deleted.

    I was surprised to see that a.t.a had archived every post.

    I deleted thousands of spam messages and conversations that I didn't remember, and left the posts which I liked the most. Then, when I had like 50 consecutive good posts, I went through the wall and took screenshots of them all.
    After that I deleted them and moved on, repeating this process. The screenshots take up a lot more space than the messages themselves which is sort of a waste on my phone's storage and RAM.

    But I realized that fascinating many posts were alreasy stored on a.t.a's servers, and I'm convinced there's no limit, or that exceeding that limit would require immense effort.

    Because they are stored, and the data is always there and retrievable,
    I'd prefer if I could just view them all without having to delete any.
    A.t.a have them all saved somewhere and all they need is to think of some way for us to load and view them.

    I wrote them a message in the help section about it and they said they'd consider it.

    Everyone keeps some posts over others, whether "trusted trader", "Respected and Protected", hearts, holiday wall art, or anything else, and I think that a.t.a could spare our hearts by updating the app in this way.

    I was thinking maybe the wall could be like a showcase. Not only showing the most recent stuff, but selecting what you want to be shown and archiving the rest. You can pull up old QL's to farms, hoist up all your "Trusted Trader" wall arts when you're going on a trading spree to show people you mean business, bring up CF request posts  to show people you actually mean business, or whatever.

    Your wall, your choice.
    -Live_A_Little likes this.
  2. I thought the title said Edible walls.. I'm tired af.

    But yeah, I support. I would totally bring up 5-6 years worth of drama.
  3. A simple hide button in addition to the delete button would solve it, in a way. You could unhide the hidden posts when needed.
  4. Again, keeping links would become way too easy with the hide option :(
  5. Support  I always feel bad when I delete my friends' posts :( A "hide" option could help too
  6. A hide option would be fairly easy to code.
  7. Same tbh.
    Support for op

  10. No support i dont need people saving the things i say on walls ty
  11. Then don't wall them??‍♀️
  12. Dont tell me how to live my life
  13. I'm not telling you how to live your life. I'm only saying my opinion??‍♀️
  14. Your opinion is like your ass.hole. i dont wanna look at it ty
  16. Then why read it in the first place? And replied to it? Coz you look at it you noob??‍♀️