Pet peeves?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by TheSagittarian, Apr 12, 2012.

  1. Indeed, Matt-san. 8P
  2. I always wanted to name a pet Spata. .-. So I could be all like "THIS IS SPARTA!!!" .-. if someone asked me what it's name was. ._.
  3. *Sparta (/)_•)
  4. Another pet peeve: When a person gets mad at you and you don't know the reason yourself. 
  5. Another one is when someone follows you on pimd and you don't know who they are and you haven't posted on campus in a while and you just think, 'HOW DID YOU FIND ME?!?!'
  6. When people cry about getting farmed. Wimps
  7. Pet Peeves of mine...

    1) When girls have their bra strap past their shoulder....

    2) Gum-chewers*yeah, you*

    3) Frozen Yogurt.

    Der, I said it
  8. People who swear when it is completely unnecessary. When IS it necessary?? o_O

  9. Desperate people in general -.-
  10. Players who spam useless albeit offensive threads in forum. Yes. Currently happening right now.
  11. Dear, sweet Jesus.

    1. Chewing with your mouth open and smacking/popping your gum. You sound like disgusting cows when you do that. And you look gross. CHEW LIKE YOU HAVE A SECRET!
    2. Basic grammar/spelling errors. It isn't that hard.
    3. Burping/belching in public. I mean, ew. Is it really that hard for you to keep your mouth closed, cover it with your hand, and try to do it quietly? Come on, people.
    4. Having dirty hands. I hate getting them dirty. It feels disgusting.
    5. Separating eggs with your bare hands. GROSS GROSS GROSS. Not only are your hands dirty now, but you have put germs from your hands all over the egg, which is going in someone's food. And you've just made a big mess all over yourself. Either use a separator or use the egg shells. (I work in a kitchen and see this all the time.)
  12. 1. People who grind their teeth. Stop it. Your mouth isn't suppose to move that way.

    2. People who can't take critism but dish it out like it's candy. Like seriously? Come on now.

    3. Copy cats. 'nough said.

    4. Those desperate girls who will stop at nothing to get any guys attention. It's shameless and honestly it's more then annoying.

    5. Hypocrites and liars. The world would be a better place without you.

    ... sorry about the rant. .-.
  13. My pet peeves:

    1. People who chew like freaking cows!! Go ruminate where no one can see or hear you!!

    2. Typos, they drive me crazy... I do them too but at least I correct myself.

    3. In pimd, my pet peeve are people who ask for gifts it drives me crazy because a) if you ask for it, it's not a gift -it's a handout and b) you look like a person who leeches off other people's generosity.

    4. People who complain a lot there's so much to be thankful for in this life... The world isn't perfect, neither are you, so stop expecting you're a special case and that you deserve perfection from everyone else.

    Well, I think that's it 
  14. Pet peeve: Discrimination
  15. Pet peeves:

    -Text talk.
    -Over excessive attention whoring.
    -People who are power hungry and take advantage of others.
    -When people are angry at you and they make it very, very obvious.
    -People who get angry over the smallest things.
    -Drama queens.
