pet guide?

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by caspertheghost, Jun 2, 2019.

  1. Has anyone created a guide to pets, as in what we need to feed each one at each level? If so, could anyone link me up please. I’ve had a quick search but can’t find anything.

  2. i remember reading that dragonlily has been working on one, otherwise idk. But there has been a pet rock guide so yeah that's that
  3. Yup! Her new ign is -PA_KaramelApples- and she is working on gathering information to create a guide to pets. If you have any information that would assist in making one, contact her!
  4. Ok thanks. I guess it would be good to know how far along she is etc to know if I have anything useful, I’m thinking all my pets are pretty low level but if I have anything useful I’ll share.