Didn't know tutorial changed, but alI couldn't have said it better than Angel. No point bothering to get cash for upgrades when there is no progress or sense of accomplishment. No point buying dns to regen when the target doesnt take stratagy and no point buying ecs for parties in hunts when the rewards don't do any good. I used to play all the time, years ago when pvp was in, it gave me a reason to log in regularly and gave me a reason to diverse my stratagies. I had a reason to buy store items and trade ec gifts for misc bonus. I had a reason to lcbc. To hit other lcbc. I had a reason to buy tutors for tb and work on award bonuses. But the more you push out pvp the worse the game gets. These hunts are so repetative and shit. Pimd will go the same way the others like Gaw went. And the new app store description only gives that prediction more credit.
They realized people buy cats since they'll pay more and use DN and EC to get full to redo... Just a business this is
If my statement is wrong why do they continue to promote parties they just said they did beta wars just as a test and not many participated so please do explain why you think I am wrong
You're going off what ATA wants, not what the players want. That's why you're wrong. They continue to promote parties because it benefits them more because you have the [explicit word] that buy cats a bunch to get their stat items and avatars that they will never use.
Bcuz Ata only saw how much money they can make. I mean look how many players (even party ppl) have asked for a break from hunts. Ata keeps on bringing them tho non stop. Why? Bcuz each hunt means new ec gifts, cats, & bikinis paid for. It's all about that money honey!
They could just as easily appease the pvp players and their wallets by implimenting an item similiar to hypnocat which gives a big payout for a certain amount of time in pvp. And i use to buy dns all the time, especially for wars. Ive never bought a dn for a party. Pvp is just as profitable as pve, and takes time and effort while playing. Either the apes have their heads up their ass or they are just to stupid to ralealise the could exploit this for more money and more players. Instead they premote online dating and a lot of their paying customers get annoyed and stop paying. Not a good buisness stratagy
Not too bad ATA, doing at least one thing to make the game better. Now, I'm assuming y'all will do another hunt in a few days? :laugh:
Dreamer I'd quote you but it only allows less than 4 quotes lol Love all of what you've quoted.. Yet it's only the people who have hundreds to throw at a game that will ever get better And btw.. KaW still has wars ?
I like kaw but i've been playing pimd far longer, and have made lots of friends on here which if i were to focus on kaw, id lose contact with. I'd prefer if apes improved this game for the better than see it failing further ? after years of this game, i got attached :lol:
its :*lol:. buy theres no doubt there will be another hunt in a few days. if everyone stopped partying, or not even that just stopped buying ecs and doc notes then i bet ata would listen to us and give us a break and some wars. but thatll never happen as to many people with no lives and a surprisingly gigantic bank account, will always buy ecs and doc notes to the stupid items and avatars
All of you who aren't happy: don't run to kaw. It's made by the same people. You're still giving them your money.
If people buy cats how am I going off of what ata wants if anything ata is going of what ppl want If nobody partied if few partied then there would be no promotion but as I said a mass majority do you guys cry and complain about them messing up the game yet I rarely ever see wars happening why does ata have to do everything for you "adults" you guys want wars make it happen nobodies stopping you guys I've seen lots of threads where ppl actually arrange wars but either they don't happen or not lots of ppl actually come through to me that's a good enough poll to me
ATA wants people to buy cats and they want to do whatever they can to push that onto people. As for people not doing their own wars, it's because there is always a hunt. Nobody wants to fall behind when it comes to stats.
Before cat cafe was released, no one had ever bought a cat. How would ata know that people wanted cats?