Perm Silence Club: Meeting in Session

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by BigHer0, Feb 10, 2014.

  1. Who says I was talking to you? Someone's self conceited now that's "cute".
  2. Silence for single little thing. What an... .
  3. I was silenced (perm) because I wanted to, I purposely spam to get silenced and it felt good because I quit
  4. Poz, you actually bypassed as well.

    Using emoji for words is a bypass. And could potentially get you silenced as happened to cam.

    I have never been silenced 
  5. This thread is dumb
  6. Since you got silenced isnt this technically against ToU?
  7. Been perm silenced countless of times  I might be the record holder for most numbers of perm silenced. Also anyone can help me post a picture? Follow me I want to show everyone something to laugh about 
  8. Not picture.. But SS of my email to support
  9. Never got silence
  10. How long does permanently disabled messages last?
  11. It used to be permanent, then was changed to 30 days in like 2015.
  12. I'm 18 year old but why I'm disabled permanently
  13. Hard to say why without knowing what you did