Perm Silence Club: Meeting in Session

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by BigHer0, Feb 10, 2014.

  1. Haha actually I unloaded on your ass~
  2.  and you failed the vast majority bahaha
  3. Hm if I counted correctly I hit you 15 times and won 9 of them. So actually I landed more than I lost. Maybe learn the definition of "majority" before using it
  4.  still dtw, 5/5/0 F your lover boy. You lil cuties should probably run back to class now
  5. Josh 2v2? Want help? Lmao this looks enticing
  6.  be my guest buddy, she's DTW but lover boy noted just for me
  7. Don't call me cute, and he isn't my "lover boy". If you can't read were married IRL. And he's the one in class, so I've got nothing but time on my hands so I won't be running anywhere. 
  8.  but you're DTW my days... Please stop embarrassing yourself
  9. Well I'm not wasting notes on a loser that has nothing better to do that talk shit, and I did unload on you so Of course I'm dtw. Just remember, you're the one that started shit saying you were gonna farm me. You just got what you asked for now you can't handle it. Why don't you go and play with your toys now. This lady has grown up business to attend to, something you children wouldn't understand.
  10. Poz you just said you have nothing but time, but now you have things to do?
  11.  atleast I backed up what I said I was going to do, run along now. Wouldn't wanna hurt your precious little feelings infront of everyone now would we ?
  12. ? ALL OF YOU OFF MY THREAD!!!!!!
  13. The kids need help with homework, I wasn't quite expecting them too, so I must go be a good parent and help. I won't be gone for too long. So enjoy yourselves hitting me while I regen. I'll return every hit. 
  14.  angel behave, because while they're DTW I might have to send a few love taps your way. Your posted it in a public area. We have freedom to post with in reason of the ToU
  15. Actually if she tells us to leave we have to. So bye Alice sweetie.  sorry you got silenced love. I'll have to hit you up on a third party app later.️Peace out, mama's gotta go mama now
  16.  makes it even worse.
  17.  You have reason to post withinv ToU AND RoC and the RoC states that you MUST remain on topic and if I ask you to leave.... You gotta leave.
  18. I'll talk to you through newsfeed then 