Perm Silence Club: Meeting in Session

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by BigHer0, Feb 10, 2014.

  1. From that to this? Lol ^agree
  2. She gets it^ wait till I bring out me DENCH himself. toy_soldier 
  3. In actuality... That's her husband in real life so stop your little pimd couple mockery is uncalled for 
  4. Pimd lover? HAHA we're married IRL. But no seriously try to hit her... She has a fetish with pans 
  5.  she's DTW so your up,
  6.  Why does everyone think women are always running to their men? Maybe you just got unlucky and her man showed up.
  7.  3/3/0 F Poz? DTW bahaha bahaha
  8. I just unloaded on a party before this, I don't think I'm full regen. I'll gladly note so you can hit. I frankly don't care. But i will return as many as you hit
  9. I didn't say shit to him, actually. He's at school I'm at home. I just got lucky and he happened to check active topics.

    Also, I'm full regen. Quit ya bullshit~
  10. Male cow poop is what's censored lol
  11.  note up then mokka I'm not gonna waste notes on anyone, don't deserve my IRL cash 
  12. ? Josh stay on topic or leave my thread
  13.  0/3 F inc Poz bahaha try dance farming 
  14. Hahaha josh only  have defense items returned those 3 hits, been fun 
  15.  bahaha she's actually dance farming 5/6? dance oh my dayssssss
  16. Now she's DTW ? must've hit from pin
  17. And btw nice bypass josh  did you know people only resort to name calling when they need to look tough
  18. Well if you notice you're 2x my stats on fight, and if you could read you'd see I hit you 4x on fight and didn't get through so I moved on to dancing you challenged me, didn't hit, so I brought it.
  19.  oh no, get on my lvl 2v1 I win. DENCH.
  20. well I'm going to class now, bye! 