Perm Silence Club: Meeting in Session

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by BigHer0, Feb 10, 2014.

  1. I've never been silenced?
  2.  Here's a star!
  3.  I told campus they belong in certain food making places, and all that good stuff... And I like to make people angry .. That's why I farm 98% of women 
  4. 
  6. Im still confuse with that one but i think if u join a club? Lol idk
  7. On yeaah or buy some lol
  8. You're so lucky I can't hit you josh 

    Dat pm doe 
  9.  you don't scare anyone little philly 
  10. Phil my silences leading up to this were for discrimination?
  11. @josh I haven't been dtw just partying, actually try hitting me and see what happens kiddo
  12. I wanna see what happens
  13. Haha go ahead josh hit my wife. SEE WHAT HAPPENS
  14. I wanna see too. Maybe they'll dance you DTW
  15.  sure one sec Steve pranked me
  16. If it's not farming why the fuck do you care? Quit being a  and just hit back, the same amount of hits inc, and not complain to others
  17.  she ran to her "pimd lover" oooh no I'm so soooo scared. 
  18.  Ps she's DTW note for me. Bae or your lover boy will do.
  19.  this escalated quickly.
  20. Haha.. Dont challenge someone.. then run for protection..