If only London was to post here.... He's been perm silenced so many times that I've actually lost count.
Yeahhhhh you should be ASHAMED for being permanently silenced you bad boy! You're a menace to the PIMD community, a menace I tell you!!! Lol but seriously I've been (regularly) silenced twice. Both reversed because they weren't justified. I don't think I'll ever be perm silenced.
Was silenced 9 times, permed 1 time... Its not something to brag about. Most of the silences were revoked bc the mod hated me. Its stupid to brag about breaking rules.
I didn't break the rules, I was silenced for calling my friend, and I quote: "c wording garden tool". Ermahgherd that's so fucking offensive how dare I.
how is that even silenceable? Lmao. I have been silenced once my old account. On this account I haven't been silenced yet.
Add in the fact that I the person I called that had an old username which was "Immortals-GardenTool-". Support, being the beautiful people that they are, have completely refused to lift my perm. And they didn't even give a reason
And then we have idiots running every where bypassing everyday and they get away with it, even when I report them. *facedesk*