
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by BABYMAUL, Jun 2, 2019.

  1. Peaches are gross af tbh
  2. Noooo!!!!
    peach cobbler w/ ice cream ?
  3. I prefer strawberries 
  4. ?all you horrible people messin with my peach
  5. Facts
  6. I have never tried a peach cobbler tbh nor do I feel inclined
  7. I dislike strawberries too but I'll eat strawberry flavoured things so ig they're better than peaches
  8. I thought I’d be the only one old enough to remember this song 
  9. Oof that start

  10. One of my favorite songs ?
  11. What else is in the teaches of peaches ‍?
  12. Peaches come from a can... they were put there by a man. In factory
