EVENT Patriot Things

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by ATAMarceline, Jun 25, 2019.

  1. they usually give avi bags a few days into the hunt
  2. Wow great ANOTHER July 4th hunt. Canada Day is July 1st yet every year I fail to see a hunt for that.
  3. So true ?
  6. Kinda sad,considering they are based in Canada ??‍♀️ let's hope that for future years they at least do, once, something for canada instead of always being for the US.
  7. I’m sure they will do a Canada Day avatar/furni set for the month of July
  8. Americana can be super cute but I really think y'all missed the mark on this one.
    MizzRedd likes this.
  9. They ALWAYS have a Canada Day gift. Quit saying it like the apes ignore you.
    iKayTheFirefly, MizzRedd and iDeath like this.
  10. This is just a really bad way to mix Stranger Things and July 4th ??
  11. So is there gonna be any promo??
  12. maybe we need to do an international hunt, like where we include all nationalities or try to at least, i think that would be really cool
    SarcasticResponse and iDeath like this.
  13. A little confused on some of the furniture choices but ok here for the avis and special parties
  14. They had furni for Canada day in the spinner last year. I don’t see why they would neglect to do it this year
    Resting_Grinch_Face likes this.
  15. Likely so. But we’re only a few days into the hunt 😊 Just be patient.
  16. I find that invite hunts always have promos on the last weekend of the hunt ok 🤠 so next friday changeover or so
  17. Perhaps it's because alot of their marketing and people who play are in America??? Idk just a thought. It's not like they dont celebrate Canada day but it's just not as popular as the 4th of July. Alot of people go all out in America on the 4th. I haven't really heard of Canadians really setting buildings on fire being dumb with fireworks and stuff like that
  18. What day is 3xpromo starting on ☺️
  19. Where do we get the girl with black hair from? is she the one we get at 6k??
  20. If you're talking about the one that holds ice-cream, she's at the end of 3rd side story at 3k drop.