Party : Hit Icon Color

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by -_Night_Predetor_-, Oct 15, 2019.

  1. So it's been years now but we still don't have colors for the various hit icons such as red for fight, yellow for chug, blue for bro fist etc etc in the party. I mean it's just a simple update and convenient.

    And also why haven't the devs changed the loading icon at the loading screen. They changed the pic. The loading icon is meh. Update plz.
  2. You color blind. I been on this game almost 2yrs and there always been colors for the bars. The ixact colors you said
  3. i think they meant the buttons not bars
  4. They not the same color for every party set tho n that would just be to much colors
    Carrie likes this.
  5. I don't think we need to have any colors when the party bar already says which action you have to do. It's literally written just there, just read before hitting. That sounds like an annoying amount of different colors.