Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Aug 29, 2014.

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  1. ATA please drop hologram meeku on me . We always do catvenger but no hologram meeku .Please ATA On me
  2. So many parties done and none of these are dropping???? Why? Quit trying to get money off of us if you arent going to return the favor with a few drops...
  3. All DROPS are dropping in ONE PERSON now?!!! o_O
  4. It does seem that the fewer times you hit the greater your chance of getting a drop. Not sure how fair that is. I had to use 4 dns so my club could finish a party and then people who hit 6 times get a drop!
  5. Its not fair at all my club has had 0 drops of avis since the start and weve been doing b2b and nothing not even for the ones who hit so little!
  6. Ata your trying to impress us cause gaw a fc is gone well if you want to impress us and get your players back maybe mae things fair and actually possible and maybe people will actually buy shit and be happy for once with you
  7. Avatar. 
  8. Question: how do you go into a party( Im new to PIMD sorry)
  9. People have done lots of b2b animecon but no avatars ever come out there only wigs
  10. Question: how do you go into a party( Im new to PIMD sorry)
  11. So, I have 9840 wigs and that's it. Pretty funny that you can only get max 20 wolverine drops. Curious as to whether anyone actually has two and, if so, how many wigs.
  12. I got the avi drop...now i feel bad for my angry postt:(
  13.  ava drops (meeku/hologram) on me pls ATA, i never get ava drops from parties  pls ATA 
  14. Rare drop mean its a really really really rare drop lol
  15. I want hologram meeku ??

    Please gift me  May I have this special drop? 
  16. If you buyed something on this game you have a chamce of getting an avatar dropwell played.. :cool: :cry: :| :oops:
  17. Thank ATA I Love You . Thank for the drop . Although I hope hologram meeku but its okay i still love it
  18. Meeku Avatar please T_T MEEKU AVATAR... I BADLY WANT TO HAVE HER... Pleeeeeaaaaassse
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