Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Sep 23, 2014.

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  1. Why do people have the new hunt avatars already? Check the people on the VIP list, they have the avatars yet not the required amount of cooties[color/]
  2. The cooties combine, that's why they don't have the correct amount
  3. You're welcome
  4. Because once unlocking the avatars at 2000, they subtract 2000 cooties from your count. It's kinda not that hard to figure out.
  5. Anya is so intelligent! We're not worthy!
  6. What happen to the cooties once we unlock the avatar? Will we get few avatar for this promo ATA? Or can we gift our remaining cooties to friends?
  7. May i know, when this end? I still got small amount of cooties...
  8. Support said it will end on the 29th, I emailed them to ask.
  9. Allow us to help friends and build a better pimd community by being able to gift cooties please, your consideration is greatly appreciated. Ppl who have good relationships on here play longer so its beneficial all around.
  10. A closer knit community is certainly positive thing all around, gifting allows players to engage w each other more. Plus the promos are fun the first time but do we really want to keep repeating promos ? Recipe for boredom
  12. Why is it that the girls are always intelligent and not strong? I think we should have a strong girl Avi for a hunt too because we would like to be able to use ours for wars as well without having to be a guy all the time! Just saying.....
  13. Nowhere close to 2k, partied all day these last few days yet I only got 300-450 of each one... I gave up on it.. no point in doing this hunt.
  14. Yeah, sooooooooooo bored of this. No incentive. I don't want care about avis. I like showcase items. I've not had a drop since the gold lion thing, and I play far too much. 
  15. I say drops are far too scarse pimd. It seems as my stats have increased, my drops have decreased. Where is the incentive here? All the time, not to mention money I've invested to this point doesn't seem to be doing me any good for drops.......can we increase drop rate pimd?
  16. P.S. this hunt ends on my birthday. I'd really appreciate a present from pimd. What do you say devs?
  17. ClothesEncounters. The girl ava looks like Jenn Im. Lol @_R_singkitwarfreak
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