Pèdos on game

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Rynal, May 25, 2019.

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  1. It's against the terms of use tho
    Muschi likes this.
  2. Well then tons of users are gonna be banned but I have been on here for well over a year and not once has any mods done anything to me for what I have done on here in all honesty if they went through and cleaned all of us that do sexual things on here or kinks there would be extremely very few on here
  3. And I understand all this but most of my things are private my club is one of alot that are kink clubs so either ATA is really incompetent (which I doubt) or they just don't care as much anymore since everything has become about sexual encounters and rp on here it seems
  4. Lmao can I have some popcorn?
  5. tis thread is WACK
  6. This went really off base
  7. i’m really curious about this? Do you ask them to send you some pic of their drivers license or passport or sum? Because there is no way that you can make sure the people in your club are over 17-18.

    Muschi likes this.
  8. He’s definitely the problem, I reported him and his girl. Damn kids need help/Jesus.
    Muschi likes this.
  9. Ban every and all users who have “daddy” in their username, or refer to themselves as “daddy” ty
  10. But I’m the salt daddy
  11. Ban arpee, online foreplay that you partake in, is just weird. Go into the real world and do it with your fellow brothers and sisters
    Muschi likes this.
  12. Where’s the report a club feature
    Muschi likes this.
  13. sir this is a wendy’s drive thru
    Muschi likes this.
  14. How is masters and slaves roleplay the same as wanting to touch under.age girls/boys? It's a totally opposite kink that if done with another person interested is legal.. but you can't perform the p.ed.o kink without spending the rest of your life behind bars. You don't see kink slave masters on the news..
  15. I’m reporting you! Slavery is abolished and very illegal
  16. Gimme a hot n spicy plz and ty
  17. Only thing worse then a pedo is the LGBT community wanting equal rights
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