Pèdos on game

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Rynal, May 25, 2019.

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  1. I don't condone Pedophilia hense why I made this forum and yet here I am trying to help and all of you are simply judging me based on BDSM as I said my girl isn't underage yes she calls me daddy but it's her choice and the slavery thing read up on BDSM it's legal and so is DDlg pedofilia is not so enough judging me I'm doing nothing wrong
  2. i wasn't aware your club name and club wall, your wall, and your status were all private! wow! learn something new everyday!
  3. Anyway I reported op because that club wall advertises séxual content which is not allowed on this game. Lurkers do the same, this guy is scum.
  4. Yes that's not private but no one has to join the club if they don't want to yes my club is sexual but oh well it's not like I'm in pub or campus fûcking my girl there for it's not bothering anyone therefore ATA is ok with it obviously
  5. Report away the worst that will happen is I'm banned
  6. the actions you partake in are part of the material that was used to groom me by actual pædophiles. your little "dd/lg community" therefore was complicit in my abuse. i'm not the only one that has been groomed in this way.

    if you are going to partake in this lifestyle, and want to remain ignorant on your assistance to the pædophile community, fine. it's your conscience and i'll pray for you. but how about doing it on an app or website that is actually dedicated to those communities? there's a bunch of websites and apps that are sexual-only that you could be using and not a fuçking game. clearly you aren't participating in the actual game here and are only roleplaying.
  7. Well I'm sorry you were groomed by a pèdo but people like you that blame us in the DD/lg community are giving those Pèdos a crutch to lean on so in a way your giving them what they need to simply blame our community don't you think if we were the reason for Pèdos the community would be banned? Yet we aren't so sorry but that's a load of bull
  8. Ima just say most ddlg situations have somebody who isn’t an adult either they lie or the older person is okay with it and the younger doesn’t see a problem with it. Most, not all, but most.
    Muschi likes this.
  9. Yes Patty in those cases it's Pèdo but I make certain my DD/lg relationships aren't like that
  10. Obviously I detest Pèdos I hate them in all honesty I have my personal reasons and I get triggered when those things happen so trust me I understand but the DD/lg community is alot different and people that don't understand the community always react the way y'all are
  11. if you're going to keep continuing to defend the dd/lg community's complicity as a tool of child sexual abuse then i don't want your pity

    if your community is all about consent and making sure everyone is of age, then you should be focusing your outrage more on the pædos allegedly misusing your community's name and working on ousting them from your community. but it seems like you're more interested in berating the victims that have a distrust of your community instead. learn to take some critique
  12. i-
    this thread took an unnecessary turn.
  13. No.im genuinely upset you were abused and anyone that claims DD/lg but with a minor isn't considered by our community and we shun them and I always report them to the police I know what it's like to be sexually abused I do so I'm genuinely sorry about that but like in everything there are alot of bad eggs and we weed them out I just really don't think people should judge the community based on bad eggs but read about what we actually are as a whole I understand the distrust for the community
  14. Hazelnut I agree
  15. please stop telling me how sorry you are for me. i do not want your pity. i don't want to hear it. i was simply bringing up that part of my life to add some credibility to my perspective but apparently you are the almighty expert on all things dd/lg. :roll:

    and i am denying your friend request. please don't try to add me again or i'll block. i do not want to speak with you privately in an unmoderated chat.
  16. No im not I'm only stating how I always saw and still see DD/lg and I respect your opinion I'm simply firmly stating mine
  17. Ok that's fine with me
  18. i am well aware of your opinion because it mirrors that of the many others of your community (even the ones that weren't actual pædos!) that pretended not to notice that there were minors in there.

    but whatever, i'm done w/ this convo. have a nice day or night and i'll pray for you.
  19. Go to bdsmlr or fetlife or something like that lmao. This isn't a kink app..
    Muschi likes this.
  20. I understand this isn't a kink app but there's nothing against what I'm doing on here
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