Outstanding Love 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ltachi, Dec 2, 2012.

  1. Ahhh... Good ol times.

    Back when we were Mr-OUTSTANDiNG and Mrs-OUTSTANDiNG...

    Now we're Goku and ChiChi.....

    Ahhhhh 

    im always the girl for some reason ?
    Ket likes this.
  2. I remember when dj dropped stats in war when he was mr outstanding  i miss those old days they was so fun!
    Ket likes this.
  3. Yeah, I agree, those were the dayzz!?
  4. hoehoe ♡
  5. Gaygay ?
  6. So sappy, the love story :x im jelly
  7. ⊙﹏⊙
  8. -_A_-re_You_Mad_I_Picked_Him_And_Not_You_Bruhhh ?
  9. cringe as fuck x2