Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Wing_Fanchu_Skullduggery (01), Mar 21, 2011.

  1. It's hard to post a story in best of because not everyone likes them. The only way it could, or should, happen is the fan Fic contests, as few as they are lol.
  2. I feel like rose wouldn't mind.
  3. Bump cos I can, seeing as its mine and all...
  4. I had read a lot of this story after I left. And I'm proud to say I read all of it. Goddamn, Otto you were busy lol
  5. Why not bump RoZ while you're at it
  6. Haha, thanks. And bump. Also I did bump RoZ
  7. Bumping this monster for historical reference? Will you accept this dinosaur? Please do.
  8. Also this work, believe it or not, is copyrighted (with better grammar) so no stealing fight scenes plz!
  9. I put a lot of work into this. I hope to write a story like it. Anyone want me to do it?
  10. Holy shit, this is old. If you want to, then go for it.