Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Wing_Fanchu_Skullduggery (01), Mar 21, 2011.

  1. A punch to the shield. A simple punch caused a crack. He blasted through the rest. As the shield crumbled away, Zach walked forward, smiling viciously. He already knew exactly who was here. Torchwoods 1, 2, 4,5, and on. This was the ultimate test of Zach's skill. He wanted Torchwood's attention on him from the start. That was why he went on such a rampage. He knew that if he survived this, nothing could get in his way. He walked on. A huge green blast nearly hit him. Then another. And another. He wasn't worried. He knew that they missed on purpose, and that the blasts were now combining, and were locked on his back. He stopped. There was no point whatsoever in resisting. He broke his limits for about two seconds. Anything more at 200% power would literally tear him to pieces. The blasts hit him just as the limit was broken. Two seconds later he stood alive, maybe a little tired, but not a mark upon him. He kept on running, laughing. The worst had passed. And to him that all amounted to nothing. Just a little energy wasted. Sure there was a fear of being overrun for a split second, but that was why he took the risk of almost dying. If there wasn't any fear, it wouldn't have been a challenge. While within the radius though, he decided to have fun with it, and kill all Torchwood members in sight. Fûck, why not kill everyone in sight, period? He was in the Red Square now, cutting away at some poor girl. He stopped dead. From the looks of it, most of Torchwood 1,2,4,5,6 and on were standing in front of him. They all were armed to the teeth with alien technology. Technology that has never been used on a sorcerer before. First time used on a human being, period. Zach smiled. He would need to cross the limit again, he knew, but he'd try to go at 100% first, just to try it out. He considered this just as Torchwood fired.

    There ya go. 
  2. Come on. Faster.

    Me and Otto cone out of no where kill him and go home. The end.
  3. Cyber, you forgot about me, the guy who's more powerful than you
  4. And Fletch is actually more powerful than me as regular Otto. As Crazy Otto, even Zach may have trouble with him.
  5. Know what. Fletch was possessing you when me and otto killed Zach. The end. Noe for our story.
  6. Fletch never possessed me. It's something else entirely. Fletch alone could not do that.
  7. Stop ruining my quick ending.
  8. There is another part, you know... Although I may just end it here at part one...
  9. Don't. Just have one huge update.
  10. The Blasts collided with Zach. The explosion literally tore the kremlin apart. So much for defending it. Torchwood sent several more barrages in order to make sure that Zach died. The explosions grew larger as more Torchwood members joined, and the bigger guns finally recovered. After fifteen minutes the barrage finally stopped. There was so much smoke that they could not see the body. They kept on guard in case he survived. The head of Torchwood 1 walked up to the spot where Zach was supposed to be. The smoke started to clear. The leader saw a small pile of ash on the very spot Zach was standing before they started shooting.
    "WE WON!!!! HE'S DEAD!!!!" yelled the leader, raising his lance-like blaster into the sky. All of a sudden a blade erupted from the ground, and dug itself through the neck and throat. The other end came out of the back of his head. Meanwhile the same thing happened to everybody that stood in the vicinity. Among the crowd was a man called Captain Jack Harkness, leader of Torchwood 3, and the only member present. Only one alive actually.(pre- suzie costello)He along with other members of Torchwood ran for it. The blades caught them all as well. Jack's was a particular cut. Somehow it went through both his heart and brain, damaging many other vitals as well. He breathed very hard, ran for a few seconds, still alive, and then fell to the ground, dead. Zach laughed. As he laughed, blood spurted out of his mouth. He fell to his hands and knees, blood streaming. He was very badly wounded. This was actually close to him dying, he could feel the brink of life and death. For the first time, fear gripped at him. He didn't want to die. Not yet. Not when there was still a world to rule. Not when he was about to be rid of one last nuisance. He closed his eyes slowly. A deep sleep overtook him. And he felt himself walking up to the brink, and getting ready to jump...
  11. And I'm still debating on it, Cy.