Out Running the Past

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Fi-Sacred_Lycan, Jun 12, 2012.

  1. Jon's POV
    I sat completely unnoticed in the park watching all the humans that had taken over my beloved city of Midnight Heights. This city use to be a Saucony town. The mortals always avoided us here, we alway seemed to scare them. A city of the gods to the humans, a city of fear to the elves, a refuge for lycans, home to me and my fellow Saucony. So many things are not what they were. The humans claim to have settled here, and destroyed all signs of us. They must have missed something! I get up to leave when I see her...
    Saffire's POV
    God, this years trip couldn't come fast enough two months of night any vampires dream. Oh how those pitiful mortals will beg and scream for mercy.

    Keens: Saffire? Are you alright?

    Ya, I'm fine. Why?"
    I'm lying and I think he knows it....

    Keens: They turned on the seatbelt light a few moments ago.

    Oh. "

    As the plane lands I stare out the window thinking about the dire warning that old hag told me all those years ago...
    "The vampires days are numbered! You and your kin will parish to the very beings that created you! They will awaken at the peak of your existence."

    I've never put any stock in it for she expired right after telling me this. The elder council laughed at me for informing them of this warning. Now they worry because something or someone long forgotten has awoken. The earth shuddered the day it happened. BLOOD! I smell blood!
    Snowhite's POV

    He's back. He's the only black mark on my record. It's bad enough he's killed four of my seven guards, but to elude one of the best assassins out there is to much! He must die. There's no dout about it id know his illusion anywhere. He thinks appearing human will fool me and it did for a time. I'm so lost in thought I don't hear him walk up on me.

    Jon: Well if it aint my best friend. Miss me?

    I thought you were dead.

    Jon: So did I.

    How? If you were dead then how would you know?

    Jon: Geez. You fail to grasp the concept that my people never truly die.


    Before I can even draw my knife he's gone. Somedays I wish I could just disappear like that, irritating fizzle included.
    Mariah's POV

    It's been a hard few months. First I lose that blasted smith, then Ruby, just to make things worse a new dragon has landed in the yard. That dragon is strange, even Hazel agrees. I was going to torment the human, until I saw that he was gone. There was a bloody mess but no body. I headed back inside because the kettle started whistling. Living among the humans has its perks.

    Where in the world is my hot chocolate mix?!?!?

    Jon: You mean this? (holds up box)

    Who are you? And how the hell did you get in here?!

    Jon: Well, that's the thing I've been known by many names. As of right now it Jonathan. As to how I got here I walked in right behind you.

    Not possible. I shut the door immediately.

    Jon: Ok, I'll tell you when you rember who I am.
    Snowhite's POV

    I slipped back into my hideout. I was greeted by all three remaining dwarves, Greg with his chest bandaged up, Jeff with half his face covered, and Fred who somehow managed to escape unharmed. It's a shame that we lost Steve, Hank, Peter, and Edward.

    What's for dinner? Please tell me it's not takeout again.

    Jeff: Yup. Pizza this time, and soup for me. You know Ed was the one who cooked.

    Damn. I'm getting sick of takeout. Fred! Your going to cook dinner tomorrow.

    Fred: But...but...but

  2. nice
    Wait whats keensa vampy too??
  3. Good story Wolf!!!
  4. Awe babe i forgot you.. Sad lol. Love you so much!! Break starts next week cant wait to cuddle up by a nice fire and sip hot coco with you!
  5. Maybe I'll get some righting done this week  I'm off work
  6. Writing* basted auto correct 
  7. so good. Please update.
  8. Well hell new readers  even if I hadn't gotten new readers I still would of updated
  9. Please update hubby
  10. Saffire's POV
    Keens and I breezed into town just after the sun began its final descent for the next two months. I allowed Keens to load our bags into the battered old 4x4 but I had to drive. I decided to head towards my favorite place in town the diner. It's a rundown little place straight out of the past. The several shades of pealing red paint are off set by tarnished stainless steel, and fogged glass pains. I lead Keens inside, we were greeted by a chubby waitress behind the counter. I take a seat at the counter and motion for keens todo the same.
    Lego's POV

    It's black. Everything is black. All I can hear is muffed sounds and my own heartbeat. As an elf I really hate being clueless about my whereabouts. I start screaming at the top of my lungs for lack of anything better todo. When, a pair of hands roughly grabs my shoulders a starts shaking me. Suddenly, the bag over my head is ripped off and I see Jerry, the head of the lab.

    "Jerry: So elf did you think we wouldn't catch you? Thought hiding under our noses was good enough?

    Figured you would eventually. And yes, I did and it worked for years too. It just proves the ignorance of humans can't find the elf in their own lab.

    Jerry: We know you left the door to experiment 227's room unlocked resulting in its escape, the death of forty men and woman, one humvee, and millions of dollars in grants.

  11. Your right  and I can't find the note 
  12. No. It must go on. Please???
  13. I'll try to get something  in the middle of work right now