Our LGBTQ+ community

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATALowkeyLoki, Jun 8, 2017.

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  1. Re: Our LGBTQ community

    That person got banned for discrimination.
    Just mentioning it.
  2. Re: Our LGBTQ community

    no, we can't agree on that, because centuries of history, psychological, and biological facts say otherwise. "wah i dont like that people can identify as the gender that most suits them, this affects me personally SO much that im going to ignore all the evidence that they're valid and instead simply mock them because i dont understand" isn't something to agree on, lols

    now, 1.genderfluid peoples' GENDER is fluid, not their (bypass). thats why it's called...get this...GENDERfluid....not a hard concept! 2. gender is a social construct and age is not. invalid and TIREDDDD comparison. this is so played out. at least be original in your transphobia.
  3. Re: Our LGBTQ community

    can't say they weren't warned lol!

    "hey if you do this you'll be banned" *does it*

    what..did u.......expect...just wondering!
  4. Re: Our LGBTQ community

    I believe what was meant is that you can't say today I'm a girl, tomorrow I'm a guy, but yesterday i was neither. Nothing transphobia was said.
  5. Re: Our LGBTQ community

    thats not how genderfluidity works lmao. don't spew bs about topics you dont understand and we wouldnt have this issue to begin with
  6. Re: Our LGBTQ community

    I don't see any hate nor flamatory, it was clearly stated that LGBT was supported.
  7. Re: Our LGBTQ community

    Sorry, not sorry; but no, we can't all just agree on this statement because it is scientifically untrue and is an attempt to erase the identities of people that do very much exist.

    As quoted from this National Geographic article:
    http://www.nationalgeographic.com/magaz ... -identity/

    Yes this is just responding to a troll post, but the information share seemed worth the effort. As a kind reminder, please try not to erase the gender identities of others.
  8. Re: Our LGBTQ community

    How about you start by stopping calling everyone phobic when they don't agree with you? That'll be a great start. If you want to continue this convo, please follow me :) let's not pollute this PRIDE thread with fighting.
  9. For the record, gender fluidity is a very real and valid identity and is a PART of the LGBTQ+ community.
  10. Got some brown on your nose sorry
  11. Re: Our LGBTQ community

    except there's nothing to "agree" with you're just objectively wrong
  12. gosh, how dare i like and appreciate one of the few people who believe in and support my identity!
  13. The thing is, I support who you are also.
  14. considering you were going on about ignorant bs about genderfluidity, your "support" of nonbinary identities is performative at best.
  15. I may not agree on certain things, but it doesn't mean I do not support the person you are. You're assuming things and it's offensive to me.
  16. you can't claim that an NB identity isn't real and then minutes later claim to support us lmao thats not how it works becky
  17. Jodie has earned herself a one time Floccinaucinihilipilification support
  18. Re: Our LGBTQ community

    My post didn't reach.
    As I said, I knew what would be the reaction and it's amusing me, I'll ask you to read again my previous post. I may not agree on certain things, but it doesn't stop me from supporting you. Just like free speech, I may not agree with what you're saying, but I do not hate the person himself. You guys are quick to jump on the defensive and it's easy to predict your reactions.
  19. i honestly don't care. performative allies are less than useless. continue to pat yourself on the back for not actively harassing gay people tho i guess.
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