Our LGBTQ+ community

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATALowkeyLoki, Jun 8, 2017.

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  1. it's just blatantly wrong info tho lol. there are a million and one influences on people that determine every aspect of their being, including their sexuality and gender. to try to reduce that to one single physical characteristic is insulting at best.
  2. Re: Our LGBTQ community

    **Just wanted to note the research I found isn't an explanation for /all/ transgender people. Just commonalities found to help the stigma that they're "confused" or they are choosing to be a certain way, when in fact, it could be a difference in brain structure.
    I do Not believe their existence needs a justification but kefo asked. (Maybe as a troll?)
  3. Re: Our LGBTQ community

    Help against the stigma * ?
  4. Steven I'm not saying their aren't other factors. DNA codes for everything about us. It creates proteins, etc. Without our DNA, we wouldn't have function, personality, or life for that matter. It codes for everything necessary for function. I'm in the midst of a Biomedical engineering/premed degree (4th year) and I have done so work with NIH. I'm not just pulling this out of nowhere. What you are saying isn't false, but I'm not here to get into a fight over something we both support which is LGBTQ rights. You can PM me if you'd like to discuss further.
  5. Re: Our LGBTQ community

    what a time to be alive 
  6. Re: Our LGBTQ community

    this is much better worded, because everything presented about "biological differences" is entirely speculative and DEFINITELY does not apply to ALL trans people, though it may be a factor in some.

    making blanket statements about trans existence being solely the result of genetic mutation is not only scientifically inaccurate, but extremely degrading to actual trans people. if you get 99% of your info on trans folx from cis people...it's wrong.
  7. So you're touching on the debate of nature versus nurture. The truth is that BOTH exist and influence people. I don't need to know the specifics of the psychology and neurology of gender to tell you that arguing fully for either point will prove false and invalidate your personal positions.
    Debating A or B is a practice within discourse to help find the limits and powers of each. But each have already been proven to be influential in their own ways and you need to separate your personal view from your role-play-advocate view.
    Perhaps personal events may trigger sensitive, neurologically-embedded tendencies of behavious.

    In the silence of the lambs there was a psychopath who was a fake transgender person. Entirely convinced, perhaps like a hypochondriac may be about having depression, that they were transgender and had the wrong body. It's entirely possible that people may be obsessed with transgenderism like this, or simply be enticed by the greener grass of "the other sèx" and take comfort in it.
    These, on their own, may not cause transgenderism, but in combination with genetic predispositions or hormonal imbalances, it may trigger it.

    Kitty, those examples of personal reasons for people to transition their gender may be ones that you disagree with and you would probably prefer a general theory to explain it with prenatal development and genetics than those.
  8. Biological differences aren't entirely speculative. That's entirely exaggerated.
  9. i wouldn't "prefer" anything; the fact of the matter is that no two trans people have the exact same reasons for or feelings about their gender, and to try to fit all trans people into one box labelled with one reason is inaccurate and offensive.
  10. Re: Our LGBTQ community

    Both nature and nurture definitely have their part. The paper also included some nurture aspects but it was rather hard to some up, however kefo did a majority.
    Essentially, identity is not a math equation however it is also not totally made up as others like to say. ?
  11. i wasn't saying the differences themselves are speculative; the aforementioned specific biological components playing such a large role in whether someone is or isn't trans - thats speculative. correlation is not causation, and, as i just said, you can't accurately paint all trans people with the same brush.
  12. Ryan is right on the research part, and he doesn't mention it in a way of slander
  13. Re: Our LGBTQ community

    So like, had anyone read clan of the cave near? It's set around the time there were Neanderthals around. But humans who were transgender/gender fluid were considered magical as they had elements from both ends of the spectrum. I liked the thought of that  just thought I'd share
  14. Re: Our LGBTQ community

    Cave bear**
  15. I like how it's okay for you to belittle people but when someone has some actually facts you act all innocent learn to shut ya mouth 
  16. Re: Our LGBTQ community


    I'm a supporter of the LGBT community!
  17. Re: Our LGBTQ community

    ATA salty because of the truth?
  18. Thank you..
    Ive encountered plenty of hateful/ stupid comments over the years myself, i can take it though..but some of the things ive recently seen are just uncalled for...
    But its not just Atas duty..if you allow your club member to be a vile person, saying all kinds of hateful,personal attacks,and laugh, or do nothing..im sorry, YOU are just the same..
    Birds of a feather...
  19. the hell is your irrelevant ass on about now lmao
  20. Re: Our LGBTQ community

    Yeah I'm sitting on the fence for this subject. 
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